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Looker Response

The entire basis of the film, Looker, is that women, who would probably be looked up to for being beautiful, are making slight changes to their bodies to be perfect all in the name of big media. At the beginning of the film, a woman describes all the changes that need to be made with her face. Most of the changes were less than a millimeter. Later in the film, it was shown that her ratings went up to nearly 100% based on these changes. Thinking about it further, these changes were so minor that hardly anyone noticed. This showed how subconsciously people noticed. 

In an earlier blog post, I documented the plastic surgery of the model Bella Hadid. Looking at her before and after images left an uncanny feeling. All of the changes she made were slight but when added together and shown at the end, they made a huge difference. This relates to the idea of the most perfect face mathematically. This feeling that a 0.01 millimeter can make a face more perfect than the other. Bella Hadid has the most perfect face and this is due to the symmetry and proportions. However, when really thought about her face is not completely real, so is she truly the most beautiful woman?

Plastic surgery is something that I have had fairly easy access to and is a practice that is not as private or frowned upon. With people getting lip fillers and botox in their early twenties, it is challenging to not do the same. I see myself falling into the trap. It is very similar to a drug and one that can become addictive and obsessive. As seen with Donatella Versace, she was a beautiful woman who has morphed and nearly ruined her face. 

Plastic surgery is a good reminder of whether it is worth it to alter one’s physical appearance. Does altering the outside positively impact the inside? Is it money well spent? Is plastic surgery just the outward manifestation of inward insecurities?

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