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Blog 2

The Met Gala: Doubled in Time

As some may know, last night was the Met Gala. Admittedly I got a little distracted and put my reading on pause. I am always excited before because the anticipation of the creativity of the event is something I look forward to. Usually, after the red carpet, I am left disappointed due to the lack of risks and adherence to the theme. The theme this year was In America: A Lexicon of Fashion. I did not understand the theme but after doing some research the theme’s inspiration was the renaissance that American fashion is going through thanks to young designers. I was disappointed instead of making social or political assertions about America, most designers chose to draw inspiration from old Hollywood. On top of that, none of the designers I felt were emerging or paving the way to change. But truthfully, who am I to judge.

This was one of the exhibits on display for the event.

Emily Ratajkowski wore a gorgeous dress designed by Vera Wang. Her dress was inspired by her red wedding collection. The first time I heard of Vera Wang was in the movie Bride Wars. A particular line from the film was “You don’t alter Vera to fit you, you alter yourself to fit Vera”. Look back that is a problematic statement but that is for another time. Her outfit was double inspired by previous designed and pulled out of the past and plopped into the present.

The influence of the old collection on the new design is clear. The inspiration is not that old which I find interesting but conforms to the trend cycle of about 10-20 years.

Kendall Jenner drew inspiration from Audrey Hepburn. She was one of the few who hit the nail on the head. Also in my opinion she topped her previous year’s dress. Much like with Emily, Kendall pulled inspiration from the past and doubled it for her design.

Audrey Hepburn is seen at the top and Kendall’s renditions of her outfits are seen at the bottom. I think this was executed very well and was a nice homage.

AOC, I do not feel has any apparent doubles but I just wanted to mention her because I love and I feel like she went with the theme and commented on a very real political issue in America.

This was AOC’s dress. It read “Tax The Rich” in red. A bold statement made in a bold way.

The Met Gala is an event I have looked forward to for two years. Everyone looked beautiful and those who fit the theme hit it out of the park. To play with the idea of the doubles, I would love to see an old theme of the Met Gala repeated and see how much different or similar the designs would be.

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